Value that indicates whether this interface has automatic private ip addressing apipa enabled 值,该值指示此接口是否启用了自动专用ip寻址(apipa)。
Value that indicates whether this interface has an automatic private ip addressing apipa address 值,该值指示此接口是否具有自动专用ip寻址(apipa)地址。
If there is no dhcp server in your domain, automatic private ip addressing ( apipa ) assigns an ip address 如果域内没有dhcp服务器,自动专用ip寻址(apipa)功能会分配ip地址。
For a limited number of servers ( five or fewer ) on a small private network, you can use the windows 2000 server feature called automatic private ip addressing ( apipa ) to automatically assign ip addresses for you 对于在小型专用网络上的有限数量(五台或更少)的服务器,可以使用windows2000server中称作自动专用ip寻址(apipa)的功能为服务器自动分配ip地址。